
[보관] WINSTAGRAM Day223 업로드

There's only one music throughout the movie
We are always walking or running or taking an vehicle or getting on a plane or moving on certain 'road' for 'me' or for 'someone.'

Anybody can interpret the message of this movie in their own way, but eventually this story is about wounded people on certain 'road', and even though the story of accidents and incidents may have been changed, this is the tough and placid road movie that could be consolation or motivation.
It could be a little bit boring.
But after watching, you can be blank for a while.

거울 쪽에서 탷니 마주보는 방향에서 바라보는 걸로 생각하시면 돼요.

[보관] WINSTAGRAM Day222 업로드

Mino changed his profile.

Jinwoo changed his profile, too.(...)

Taehyun changed his profile.